Design and development
The transformed T-55 chassis differs only by the arrangement of the compartments in the hull. The bridge tank is proposed for an easy and swift crossing of antitank barriers (trenches) and other obstacles with the purpose of facilitating the passage of mechanised and tank units.
bridge initiating equipment
is controlled by a system of
cylinders; the allocation of
hydraulic oil
can be controlled both
manually by mechanical
levers and automatically.
The pressure of the liquid
is provided by high-pressure
piston pumps motorized by
the tank
All mechanisms of the MT-55
used for laying and
recovering of the bridge can
be controlled by the crew
from the inside of the tank,
with hatch covers closed.
begin the launching process,
the vehicle stops short of
the gap; then, the bridge
swings ahead and down while
its two sections open like
The MT-55 span is 18 meters
long and can hold up loads
up to 50 tons.